Who doesn’t love them?
But what you know about raising a puppy
can mean the difference between
feeling very challenged, and having a lot of FUN.
Puppies do arrive fully assembled,
but without instructions or a training manual.
Puppies are delightful. They are fun and joyful, with soft fur, and sweet puppy breath. And who doesn’t melt when they see those soft eyes, that happy wiggly body and wagging tail?
But that’s just half of the story. Puppies also show up without potty training. They chew up all manner of things, whine, whimper and sometimes howl when they want something, and mouth/bite you with those sharp little baby teeth. Of course, for many of us, it’s all worth it, for the unparalleled experience of raising that sweet little baby, and the rich life shared with the wonderful adult dog that they ultimately become. But the ease with which we pass through their puppyhood can be greatly affected by how much we know about raising them, and the techniques we use to shape their experiences and behavior.
That’s why Kim has devised the “Great Start” puppy program. She believes that everyone should thoroughly enjoy those first months of their new dog’s life. And the key to making that time as easy as possible is being proactive about training and management.
So she created a program for addressing all of the most common new puppy concerns. With easy, thoughtful protocols for house-training, teaching object discrimination (so your puppy can learn what items are, and are not destined with find their way into their mouth,) puppy mouthing and biting, and excessive whining and crying, she can help you successfully navigate this beginning of the relationship with your new best friend. She can help you start out right, by guiding your puppy toward desirable behaviors, and away from potential issues and problems.
Many of the behavior problems that people experience with their adult dogs have their roots in the things puppy learned as he grew up. Often, behaviors that are purely experimental in nature will emerge as puppy moves through each stage of his young life.
But with a little bit of proactive intervention, a puppy can be gently steered away from those more problematic choices, in favor of behavior his human friends find more appealing.
By using a combination of thoughtful management, along with gentle and proactive guidance, we can anticipate and curb natural, but unwanted behaviors such as resource guarding, nuisance barking, separation issues, uncontrolled hyperactivity, and pushy, attention-seeking behavior. It’s so much easier to avoid those issues altogether, than to fix them later.
But the Great Start puppy program doesn’t end there.
Kim also provides information about appropriate play between puppy and people, as well as puppy and other dogs. She makes suggestions for introducing puppy to other animals. She advises you as to when and how to introduce a collar and leash. And she will help you to understand what proper socialization is, and how it should handled in order to leave puppy with the impressions and lessons that will be the most beneficial.. (improper socialization can do a lot more harm than good.)
There are suggestions for appropriate toys, and ideas for handling your puppy that will help him deal with future grooming and veterinary visits. Finally she will address some of the common but often damaging misconceptions that are found in popular culture.
Also included are handouts of written protocols for things like house-training, crate habituation, and object discrimination.
If you choose Zoom sessions, they can be recorded for repeated viewing and reference.
If possible, we encourage people to attend a “Great Start” appointment BEFORE bringing puppy home.
The sooner you start, the easier it will be, and more fun you will have raising your new puppy.